As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, my husband and I live on a boat. Her name is Belafonte, which just happens to be the name of Steve Zissou’s boat in Wes Anderson’s movie The Life Aquatic. Add to that my childhood crush on Bill Murray (he was a ghostbuster! And the voice of Garfield!), and it’s safe to say I’m a little obsessed.

The ‘Let Me Tell You About My Boat’ shirt was one of the first designs I posted at Redbubble (come to think of it, it may have been the first!). It’s also the only one my husband ever got for himself, which is a pretty solid endorsement (the man’s t-shirt game is On. Point).
So I was pretty excited to realize that (duh) Bill Murray looks good on everything. Like clocks, for example:

Or a tote bag:

Or journals!

Anyway, I’m pretty excited about all these new products. Check ’em out!